Is Adam Smith, so called Father of Economics responsible for the plight of India?
When in 1776 Adam Smith, a Philosopher authored the book "The Wealth of Nations," Nobody in the vicinity would have then known the far-reaching repercussions that his theory would provide. Our world was generally agricultural based economy then.The Industrial revolution was nowhere in the scene. People where heavily dependent on the cropping patterns which was the main source of their income. And at that time India was generally under the patronage of the Mughals. So a question to you where does Adam Smith comes in the picture and is he the main protagonist? Of the time which we are talking about India as we call now, was mostly under the Mughal empire. And most of our country apart from the shores had an agrarian economy, i.e. most of the people had their living from the cropping patterns which was followed in the country and most of the crops were dependent on the monsoon. Apart from the agriculture what other things mattered in the economy were overseas trading in th...