An Insight Between Having And Having Not!

It is a very radical thought which I am going to put forward now. To many among us it may seem strange, but for many it gives  sheer joy that at last they will know what actually happened
to them when they were at these tight spots. This isn't the pure scientific analysis of the cause, rather an experiential one. That is all I want to say for the starting.

When we were  young we had many  tastes and preferences. we used to like anything and would try and cry (our only weapon) hard enough to get what we wanted sometimes we  even succeeded and sometimes we failed but we never stopped doing that. Of all the times, we got the things we played with them, for the times we have not, we played with our imagination. Being a student of economics now I feel elated to answer the question that in which of the above two cases we were most happy! At times when we had it or when we hadn't and were left with the sight to implore around the infinite unfathomable dimensions of the universe.

This happens a lot I don't know how to put it, so for the analysis I will try to use simple economics terms so that you all can understand the cause in a much simpler way.
So let's give an algorithm for the work:-

                                                           AIM: POSSESSION OF A GOOD
                   STEPS INVOLVED:
                         #1) We  see others having something and thus dream of having that.
                         #2) We imagine us getting indulged with it.
                         #3) We try hard to get it either on our own or via our parents.
                         #4 (a)  We get it.                                                         #4 (b) We don't get it.
                         #5 (a) We play for sometimes                                       #5 (b) We still strive hard.
                      # We stop playing and forget it.                                # you still imagine yourself and try                                                                                                                     hard to get it.
 So I think that most of you have got the cause of writing this one out! it really happens.
 How do we get a thing? When for the time we see any good(commodity) our mind calculates the utility of the good. (for the starters utility is some sort of weighing scale will help us to rank our choices according to their value to us.) Thus, we have the judged the good and calculated the necessity we start demanding the good. To make it a lot simpler, let's thought of a kid and let's presume he wants a new batman action figure which has recently arrived. So what is going to happen is when he watches an advertisement of the toy in Tv! He is going to dream of owning this! Imagining a various no of situations for eg. if he already has a collection then he will try putting Batman in his collection, if he has not he can try of starting a new one. He will explore far and wide with his imagination and paint millions of pictures with his new Batman action figure. This is how he creates the necessity of the good for himself. Isn't it a bit strange as of nowhere in the scene now the kid will want that badly. What he can do now is he will either ask his parents or he may buy it from his own pocket money or he may not be able to buy that due to his incapability (this happens with most of us). In the case one suppose he gets hold of the new toy. What will happen is, his utility to play with the  toy  goes to maximum and with time it goes on decreasing. Why? The reason this happens is as the time when he was to buy it, this was the most preferred item in his list of have-nots. Till the moment, it is in minted edition his expectation is as high as his imagination! (to try that out think that night before you are to get you the most favorite thing.) But the moment we possess it we become indifferent  i.e. (we don't care now ), but as our imagination is way too high with the good that we give it a try and try to play with it! It may be  for a day or a month but then as we say in economics the utility for any good always goes on decreasing from the moment we have it. and ultimately that batman figure will remain in his room with other similar toys craving for his attention.
 But what will happen the other way around!  let's give it a thought! On the other hand if the boy does not get a chance to buy the good his imagination of having the good will turn into a desire and that desire of not having a good will give him a driving force to be capable of having the good. It's very strange though he will keep imagining himself in a position of having it (which he eventually will!), and this way the point of indifference i.e.(the act of attaining the good does not come), never arrives and  hence his utility of the good never decreases.
 Now to answer when we are happy.? it's bit difficult, but I think this can be answered with the help of the utility  curves. See what is happening is when we are having the good in a very short interval then the level of the satisfaction that we derive from the good is very small as we have the maximum of the utility curve of a very small height. When we have the same fulfillment of the good in a longer interval than the level of satisfaction derived is more than the previous case and he turn out to be happy.
So what we learn now, things that matter most and take some  time to come in life are the most happening ones.



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