Let me accept it wholeheartedly that this post was never going to make uptil here. Wait here the climax is lurking behind to give the unfathomable things. I was told that you can put anything in you blog so this post is directly dedicated to Sun God. "RA". We all were told that God is omnipresent and omnipotent if all thats is true then please come down and reduce our suffering for this insufferable heat and rise of temperature. In the most lame attempt I am trying this coz due to heat and will of the force to compete New Delhi with Al JAZEERA. So with my sincerest effort  how so ever short. for I could not hold my temper for long I came up with this. even given the way the solar flames are in a rage I feel the solidarity between chicken and human can take a good shape. but this has a slight difference as they are dead and we are getting baked up alive! 
This is very much personal and all the piety and morbid creature as me can join in an effort to ask "RA" to lower down the rage of heat!


Now I know how chicken feels,
being cooked(tandoori) in coal as we in sun
for hours and hours and hours,

now I know how a chicken sound,

with so much heat and infrared around,
not one feet can touch the ground,
given the question a hard thought,
what wud have happened-
if we too mere made of wax?
melting around as we pass along,
heading for shadow to keep us sound!
Alas, it was not in fate of mine!
so what got baked up in sunlight!
with a little message to keep!
plz "RA" lower you heat levels'
      for we have to live! — feeling annoyed.
holy cow! I have made a sonnet.
feeling happy with my work!


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