10 Place Every Economist should visit

10 Places every Economist should Visit. 

Economics is a fascinating subject.  Economists are the biggest freaks. When the world is facing some crisis, we are happy playing with our theories and we really test it on the battlefield. At that time, the whole world is our Test tube. But, when in a job we need to travel a lot be it our own country or abroad.

Here is a list of countries which I would like to cover up as an Economist even for free(conditions applied).

                                         1. Kuwait

It has the world’s most valuable currency. Saving in Kuwait would be delightful.
(1 KWD= 3.30 USD=RS218)So, if you want to earn some real money grab a Visa and work for few months after that you will be rich. This place is the member of OPEC where it goes if you own the oil you own the world. Who said I want to earn Dollars :P

2. North Korea

North Korea is a closed economy. Simultaneously It is also one of the world's most centrally directed and least open economy. Poverty, Freedom, Limited  job opportunities, Education are some major problems.  Every now and then it faces chronic economic problems. Industrial capital stock is beyond repair, so you will see loads of depreciation in some real sense. 

Kim Jong-un is the dictator who is difficult to understand and much more difficult to follow. However, after watching the Interview I really want to pay my visit and look for solutions. And it turns out to be more fun when you are influenced by Marx himself.

                                         3. Somalia

This country is the bread and butter of those who wants to make their career in Welfare Economics along with Development Economics. Somalia has problems such as Malnutrition, Low growth rates, Highly unstable political system, Bad Economic structure. Also, the youth of the Country is employed in a wrong sector. Ahan, Captian Phillips we have heard you. 

                                       4. Uruguay

Jose Mujica the former president was admired by people around the globe for his simplistic living style. He still drives beat up old VW Beetle which turns out to be one of the most famous cars in the world.This place has lots of jobs and free time. Ideal for peaceful research activities where you have sand, sea and booze to get you going and do not mind if u bump into the President walking on the street and discuss your Economic Viewpoint. 

                                            5. Brunei

This is the place you have to be if you have an instinct for money. The Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah is a happy dictator to please and who knows he might give you one of his luxury cars as a parting gift. This place has Oil and ever larger Political stronghold in the Global Economy.
If you work under his tutelage, then be prepared to get all the happiness of life and Don't make him angry because he is a dictator after all.

                                            6. Bhutan

If you are an environmental Economist, then Bhutan is the place to be. This place has a unique concept for measuring the well-being of Economy. Unlike others, they don't use Gross Domestic Product (or GDP) rather Gross Domestic Happiness (GHP) as the indicator to know how well their economy is performing. Lots of Happiness at last.

                                         7. Gabon

If you have read Karl Marx then you will notice from the picture that Gabon is still in its primitive stage of the Social Evolution. So as an Economist you will have a Wonderful Opportunity to shape a whole new country ( A dream that never comes true) and accept the challenges to make your policies work so that developmental needs can be met without creating problems for the community as a whole.

                                         8. Ukraine

Ukraine was the hot spot for the economists for a while.This place had something which we all economist carve for Economic Instability. The prices were skyrocketing and inflation was making a mess out of the county. So, if you have something in mind and are determined enough to tackle this economic devil set out on an adventure trip to Ukraine and be the saviour of these people.

Statutory Warning: Beware of KGB.

                                          9. Zimbabwe

This country due to it's bad economic policies bankrupted it and now has entered what we know as the phase of Hyperinflation long back in 2008. the prices are beyond the reach  of the mass and government is trying hard to restore back the economic structure of the country. So, if you really want to feel the essence of Hyperinflation, Zimbabwe is the place to be. Happy Hyperinflation hunting.

                                           10. Greece

One line should Suffice "Austerity cut and the recent Bailout programs" Greece has got itself into trouble by giving its citizens a whole lot of luxuries which were duly financed by state borrowings. IMF being one of the leaders when asked for repayment of standing loans Greece defaulted. Since then there is an ongoing tussle in the EU to keep the a Strict eye on Greece. 
A better solution to the Greek Crisis can bring you to the economic limelight and may land you some big prizes.


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