Pandora's box: Where my toys lived!

There are many stories of life which you hold close to your heart. Some are still alive in memories and some appear like a flashback, some come in black and white, but, the earliest ones are just random pictures. These kind of memories are pretty rare, mostly ranging from a picture of toys, random walls, colors, voices and best of all silhouettes of places. When these memories mix with dreams, it creates a cocktail of memories, rich, vibrant, joyous and makes our life worthwhile. Well, I am not gonna write about memory in this post, for I have something special for this occasion. Let's roll the dial of our clock back in the era of 98-99.

Life was simple back then. I was three, my brother 4. Our sister wasn't born yet. We used to live in a big rented place in Lohardaga (A small mining town near Ranchi). It was a big house. So, once my parents went to Delhi around the same time. I was as usual given to my grandma for care-taking. Although, my brother accompanied them. It was winter as he celebrated his birthday there. Let's get to the end. So basically, when they were returning My dad got us a big carton of toys.

It had two blue push back cars, One daisy from bob the builder, a green Seahawk helicopter with funny faces on it, a big truck, few action figures of He-Man and lots of other stuff which I have a hard time recalling now. I will ask my brother to complete this list. It's possible that he might be knowing some more stuff.

Being the most mischievous kids of our age, we were seldom allowed to play with them for the fear that we might end up breaking it. So, it was all locked up in one big box, and every month our parents took them out and handed it over to us to play. We used to get up early that day, bath, comb our hair, wear our shot knickers and our shining black school shoes. Now, it feels that we might have been going to a temple or something. 

We used to put our best behavior while playing, and we were  really lost in our small happy world. The He- Man would sit on the push-back car and roam around to find the Evil Cement mixer, for she said something about Shaktiman, which she shouldn't have. Then, the Helicopter would fly up in the air, making a zoooooooooooooooooooooo sound. Finally, It will find the Cement mixer hiding behind the pillar of the bed. Then, to show her evil nature, she would throw some imaginary cement on the helicopter causing it to crash. But, soon He-man would arrive at the scene. And like Rohit Shetty's movies, He-man's car would fly in the air and catch the crashing helicopter. Thus, every day would be saved by He-man and his car and we would smile at each other and give vibes as if we really did save the world. 

Those days, when we would look up, we would find our dad and mom, standing by the door and smiling and perhaps celebrating our stupidity or finding sense in our imaginary world. Thus, soon the sun got upon us, we cried and wailed and begged them to at least let us have one toy with us. But, they all went into that Pandora's box. Lastly, each night would end up some stories and bonfire if the night was a chilly winter's. 

But, we never lost hope and eagerly waited for the next time when these toys would come out again and we would once again get the chance to spend time with each other and rebuild our own little world.


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