Can India really survive in Capitalism?

For Capitalism as a system to thrive needs a proper transition. Here, we are divided on the basis of systems. Both Feudalism and capitalism are prevailing simultaneously at the same time. This is proving to be the biggest hurdle which we are d facing. Talking about labour, Capitalism needs discipline whereas we have a feudal work ethos where Leisure is given more value than work. Also, as there had been no actual transformation (on its own) this imposed Capitalism seems alien to our people. According to me, it is doing more harm than good. Consider this, Jharkhand is a poor state and the mere presence of Big corporate houses is giving an incentive for the people to update their lifestyle to a certain standard and for maintaining that lifestyle they are actually selling their lands for getting few branded shirts, jeans and bikes. This would not have been there when there would have been a formal transition.
To sum it up, all I would say is Europe earned Capitalist society and for us it is just a gift for free of which we have very little understanding.


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