Was Ravana really evil when compared to today's men?

Today on the day of Dushera when I passed an effigy of Ravana I wondered, "Was this guy really such a badass that people have to burn him every year? Was the nuisance he created this bad that he has to suffer year after year? What kind of justice is that"? Last time I heard a person got 2 consecutive life sentences for killing 11 people.

 Going back into the era of Ramayana, Ravana kidnapped Sita. But, we also know Sita was beautiful. People eve-tease and stalk everyday. However, when he took her to Lanka he did no harm to her. In fact, he kept her safe at Ashok Vakita. He never harmed her apart from keeping her away from her lover. This is no crime, families do it all the day these days.

So, how bad is Ravana as compared to today's men? I think todays' men are in a worst state than he was and the kind of mockery his he subjected too is too much. Compared to a time now when a man rapes a girl, teases her, stalks her, throws acid on her face, molests her,  all he get is a publicity stunt, a place in the front page of the newspaper, standard media coverage and a long term of judicial services. They are not burnt every year as Ravana is.

 I ask you, do u think the crime these people commit is lesser in magnitude when compared to our age-old villain? I will say probably Ravana was a lesser evil than these men. Then if Ravana is innocent when compared to these men, why don't we stop burning him and change the age old tradition. If you consider the crime equal as Ravana, then why don't give them a similar punishment, Burn their effigies till eternity or the end of our civilisation. At least, this would be some justice to old tampered soul.


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