There is a moment in life when you find anything in scrambled letters, any shape in shapeless clouds, your ringtone keeps humming in mind. This is the moment or the way I prefer it feeling lonely, or in a better manner congratulation the lonely phase of your life has just begun! Sit back, hold tight for you may fall a lot in these times.It the time when you need a hug when you are so desperate that you even talk to your pets(can be imaginary too :P) or cajole yourself in the happening world dreams. In this time, you feel so lonely that even time seems to cease and seconds turns to hours. I know this loneliness comes to everyone's life. More ever it is a general phase of life. You believe it or not but according to a report that too on college goers it got stated as a fact. Even among us girls are the most lonely. This may be a persisting problem in front of us but the fact is this is the sole reason for the most of the problems that we face in our life afterwards as depression, sleeplessness, amnesia, criminal behaviour, fear, loathing and many more. Talking about the problems will get us nowhere but the solution might help us. The basic problem with the youth of our age is that we are becoming more dependent on the virtual world than focusing on real. Today all the social networking has become the heartbeat of ours. We judge a person by the number of likes he or she get. we judge the social awareness of a person by the number of friends he or she has or the best one and my favourite we judge a person by the outer complexion! But here we should stumble upon a question very inquisitive indeed! I ask a very basic question to my readers that just mere knowing a person can make you him the friend? Now here many of you can argue that when love, at first sight, may happen then why not friendship at first sight? My dear at first love in now a day is just an urge that we can't express and name it as love! far above that is a very different topic with no entry or exit. I still remember many of my friends whom I made at the first sight itself, but they proved to be worthy of that. But the probability that you guys will also get the same treatment is mere a hypothesis. The possible solution to this is stay close to anyone whom you consider a friend. I want to quote my grandpa "The best friend you can have is a book. stay close to them and its the world that you will see and no less". It may seem absurd but when you guys can read a lot of course material and love stories so you can try some great works of the masters of their fields or just pick anything which you don't know give yourself a time frame to learn that new form. and the best way is to remain close to our rich culture. Give yourself a break from the regular rock and pop. listen to some splendid and mesmerizing instruments, Anoushka Shankara on sitar, Zakir Hussain on tabla N Srinivas on mandolin, Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt on Mohan Veena, or collect some odd facts! All I want to say to you is this problem when given a though is curable but if you don't cure your loneliness now it will make your life hell. In upcoming days. The most important point never find happiness in a person find it on things which can remain for eternity as the person may leave you or you may leave them. Now, I understand Lord Voldemort was doing right with his Horcruxes because with time you will feel the same amount of pain in its entirety. I think this much will be enough for this time! will continue to write on these silly topics which most of you forego in our long running elastic lives! penned down by; oops


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