So after I got the lowest marks on my maths paper my heart was pulverized. Even after a great introspection I was unable to think about the outcome of the event which has just now occurred. My mind was void sans thoughts. The feeling of that moment was so obscene that I felt like taking the great leap, the humanity has ever known after Mr. Buzz Aldrin, or else I should never return home. Then I chose the latter one cause the first one was bit dangerous and in Dhanbad, my school had no place to take a hike. I was also thinking and praying lord that may the bus, dump me to some of my friend's house (which was actually done). I was feeling lonely, and so much vulnerable simultaneously for the first time. For, my mind as unaware to process signals which it was produced at the instant. I was so drenched in fear that I was dragging myself at a staggering pace to pick a seat in my bus. After I took a spot in bus behind some fellow seniors. And when the engine roared off, which some hitches, the most usual things got started. Some were playing pranks, some were holding hands though I couldn't make out what this meant that time. How silly of me, but my mind still was hovering over a single question what I will say to Ma? Upon calculating all the possibilities which my child's mind could think I couldn't come up with a single excuse, for the first time I wished I was my brother. I looked at the bus to sniff his traces, but could not find him, For the most important latent talent he was born adept in giving excuses for any moment. You ask him and he will deliver, For a moment thought should I tell him, then I though giving away a top notch information like this will be like an army destined to coup is sending details of the plan. So for in that instant I thought it would be better if I keep this news with me. But after the decision I felt an intense urge to tell him. Then came a blow which I still remember till today. Given the age of 2002 the most prominent thing in discussion among the friends in the bus was about soap operas. A group was discussing some movie or a serial so I gathered my spinach jar as Popeye ate few nibbles and got in my seat to cut the deal shortly. Upon listening to what they were saying I was petrified and shaking. They were talking about the parents who left their children over silly mistakes Thanks to them that I got another possibility. Now I was fearing even more as the most stupid yet the disastrous question got planted in mind, What if my parents asked me to them leave them or left me? Silly, isn't it, but, when you all also have been a child, then even if you disagree, I know we all are more or less the same. Even a slightest mistake meant this alarming question and it became more prominent when you know of few cases where parents were getting divorced. So more or less I was chicken-hearted. I could not make out what I was fearing more now my marks or this possibility. To add to my plight that day I took a wrong bus so got a little detoured, it was not much though yet I had a long way to walk and reach my house. Upon crossing a slight,not so modern area, full of dung cakes,dogs chasing cats, cows, open drains and small snazzy unkempt children doing all nasty work you can't imagine and my morbid mind imagining myself to be one of those.Alas! My mind thought me of them and waited in front of a dung casting women to see how do they do it. And as I could not make out how so with slow pace I moved towards my house. I stopped at a shop and asked him if he needs an assistant who is good at maths to help him out with his counter work. And all I got was an astounding no from each every shop I visited or mind took me. I was cursing Maths like Voldemort did each time he saw Harry, like each time a passer's by does its fellow. I did what I could have done, Then upon a glance at my new sparking Adidas watch where hour handle was at 4:00 I made my mind to walk to home without any further delay, but as the fate would have it. Dad was returning from office, he caught the hold of me. I was asked questions about my whereabouts.To make it worse, I stammered upon his question. As my fearful mind did take a nap and the conscious part was busy drawing the scenarios at home, setting up a scene and a list of excuses for which I have used most of them and it took time to frame new believable ones. So within no time I reached my home with Mom, already waiting at the door with a stern look, and my brother doing what he always did running here and there, Answering to some of those simple question made me enter the house, and that day I did not tell my marks and kept it with me. But wait, this is not the end the disaster was approaching as the very next day we got to know about a PTM(PARENT TEACHER'S MEETING) scheduled next week and that thing surely was a disaster since it was the first time for me and my parents. Fun is coming the up, that day I was silent was to myself and had a great deal in smiling since I knew I was hiding something. PS: a humble request, do leave a comment if you read, else no grudge :P


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