Later that day when I reached home I was very much drenched in fear, I refrained any moment where I get to sit with my parents. You think, a boy who just has screwed up his favorite paper and after knowing the marks had not told his parents. Just think of the all the most dreadful circumstances you were in and sum them up.That was my situation at the point. I skipped my dinner and stayed low, forging an excuse of tummy ache. Thought it would be better to get a moral support for Ma. Night was long perhaps or I was sleepless. Next day when I woke up it was very early, so early that stars were still twinkling up in the night sky and moon on guarding their back. At that moment I did what a most stupid child wont even think off doing in those circumstances, I got dressed up, tried to woke my brother asked if would like to join me in the morning sky watch. But he was he, no matter what I did he kept on snoring and with growing desperation it grew louder and louder only.

With courage and utmost bravery (a lot of thievery was reported) I unlocked my house and stepped out in varandah to find it one of the most beautiful night sky I can ever remember. It had lots of stars and a large moon, that was when I found myself very much in love with the ascetic beauties which the planet holds. But the love bubble was not so long, as the sun sparked in the horizon sending its red sparks all over the sky. I got the message if not hurried I will get late for school for which I could not afford that day. I brisked my way to my room to fetch my brother to frisk him up so that he could get ready for school! As usual he was yawning and mom was doing her best to make him presentable for school.
"as a child we all got a face as this"
When I reached school, the most pleasant  thing happened, our assembly was cancelled! So a wave of joy traversed among all. We were shouting as mad! Playing pranks, scribbling on blackboard, and my group was near me asking what all happened. I called a vote of account upon my decision of not telling my parents, They backed me up saying “you need not worry they will never get to know”. Such a friend circle knowing that I was not in a situation to handle that. And the calmly added "as requested the teacher has agreed to see my case". When the teacher entered the class the fish market came to a halt. She told that something called as PTM will be organised. I was totally chilled out as i didnt knew what this meant! But the very next moment when she added that our results were also to be give that day only, then i could make out that what ever it may be it must be something pretty bad! These words of her was a blow to me! I felt that I have been bombed as Japan. I felt as people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have felt. I was stupefied. Then she resumed the studies. I was lost in my world, perplexed with what to do, what to say to parents and what not to say. Now they was more bounty on my head as I was a day late!

As the class got over with least effort I tried to trace way back to home. On my way back I came to know that my brother too has not got good marks. with that word form his mouth i felt a desire to hug him (which I didn't). After a lot of efforts I was able to crack a deal with him! That was really tough for it he took half of my prized wwe collections card, some of Cheetos, an ownership of TV remote, and bed making thing. For a moment I thought it was way too much to give. But anyhow I consoled my heart gave with bleeding heart I said yes!
"Some of the best moment that we have even at the
hardest times"
So what was our plan we agreed to say that the PTM as stated was only made for parents and no students were allowed, and what I was to do was to agree to each and every word he told with “han mummy han, bhaiya sahi bol raha hai” followed by a big nod! Eventually they agreed to our joint efforts! What we got was a Sunday free for movies which my parents bargained for our marks! That night there came a moment when my soul told me to go and tell the truth but as it was going to be revealed the very next day. I did what any any fearful child would do! As the dawn was approaching I put my head back in my blanket and promised lord will not repeat and slept. The very next thing i remember was it was Sunday! Dad and Mom have already left for meeting and we were free! I woke up brother! Such a lazy fellow as soon as he got his senses we both were jumping on the bed! Having a pillow fight, cooking our breakfast! And racing for TV, Alas! I had to give him the remote as promised. But that was less painful, for a moment I thought what would be happening but the fault is on the head of Flintstones' for such a lovely show that I got lost and never thought that again.

They say the most happiest times in your life is few seconds. Which just got passed! They have returned to home with a pretty bad face with which they have left! For the first time then I felt my legs shaking, and stammering was usual for these moments! With their glance and piercing look I could make out just as me “ they also know the truth”.

And the last thing which i managed to say was "It was all his fault"......


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